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Stores Management

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Stores is one of the key determinants of the performance of an organization. The efficiency of many departments depends on the efficiency of Stores.
 (i) Production Departments efficiency is entirely depends on the speed with which raw materials are issued to shops and finished parts bought out as well as works made parts are issued to assembly. 
(ii) Purchasing relies very heavily on stores for accurate and timely requisition of materials. 
(iii) Inventory Management, which has significant impact on company's profit, is totally dependent on efficiency and accuracy with which stores records are maintained. 
(iv) Accuracy of financial results reported by Accounts Departments depends entirely on correctness of value of stocks and accuracy of consumption statements submitted by Stores. 
 The book in its present form is intended to provide necessary information to those who are concerned and interested in efficient receipt, storage and issue of materials 

Book Details

Digital publication
Oct 2022

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