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Production Operations Management

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Production (operations) management is the science - combination of techniques and systems - that guarantee production of goods and services of the right quality, in the right quantities and at the right time with the minimum cost and the shortest possible throughout time.
Production management utilises techniques like product selection and design, process selection and planning, facilities (plant) location, facilities layout and materials handling, capacity planning, production planning & control (PPC), inventory control, quality assurance and control, work study and job design, maintenance and replacement and cost reduction. and cost control. Each of these techniques is a science in itself and if properly utilised can help to improve productivity and efficiency of the production function.
This book in its present form is intended to provide a comprehensive text of the principles of scientific production management in the simplest possible form.
 The following are the main features of new (revised and enlarged) edition: 
  • Chapter on "Transformation Systems" has been rewritten to provide more clarity. 
  • Chapter on “Classification and Coding System, Group Technology, Costing, Relevance of Human Factor, Wage and Salary Administration, Job Evaluation, Merit Rating, Manpower Planning, Industrial Safety, Break-Even-Analysis, PERT/ CPM and Line-of-Balance" have been dropped. 
  • All chapters (13 to 19) on Production Planning and Control have been recast.
  • A Separate Section on "Quality Management" has been inserted considering the importance of the subject and the current needs of the Industries.
 This section has separate chapter on each of the
 following topics :

1) Inspection and Quality Control (Chapter 20)
2) Acceptance Sampling (Chapter 21)
3) Quality Assurance (Chapter 22)
4) Statistical Process Control (Chapter 23)
5) Quality Management System (Chapter 24)
6) Six Sigma (Chapter 25)
7) Total Quality Management : TQM (Chapter 26)
Few Japanese techniques have been included in this revised edition.
The techniques covered are -

1) Quality Circles (Chapter 30)
2) 5 - S for Good Housekeeping (Chapter 31)
3) Poka- Yoke (Mistake / Error Proofing) (Chapter 32)
4) SMED for Setup Time Reduction (Chapter 33)
5) Muda (Waste) Elimination (Chapter 34)
6) Justin-Time (JIT) (Chapter 35)
7) Kaizen (or Continuous Improvement) (Chapter 36)
8) Total Productive Maintenance (Chapter 37) 

Book Details

Digital publication
May 2022

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