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World Class Manufacturing-Elementary Concepts

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An organization must have manufacturing practice which is lean, efficient, cost effective and flexible in global and competitive age. World class manufacturing is a collection of concepts which set standards for another organization to follow. Japanese manufacturing is credited with pioneer in concept of world-class manufacturing. World class manufacturing was first introduced in the automobile, electronic and steel industry. It is a process driven approach where various techniques and philosophies are used in one combination or the other. Idea of using these techniques is to focus on operational efficiency, reducing wastage and creating cost efficient organization. Several practitioners and researchers have come out with different theories of new principles. All of them have few things in common. These characteristics could be collectively referred to as the Principals of World class manufacturing.

Table of Contents: 
1) World Class Manufacturing and Information Age
2) Gaining Competitive Advantage through World Class Manufacturing
3) Systems and Tools for World Class Manufacturing
4) World Class Manufacturing - The Indian Scenario
5) Leading Indian Towards World Class Manufacturing

Book Details

Digital publication
Nov 2023

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