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Retail Marketing Management

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 In this book Retail Marketing Management :
 Chapter One - deals with wholesaling and the points covered are significance of wholesaler & its role and different types of wholesalers.
Chapter Two - focuses on introduction to retail marketing and covers the areas like scope of retailing, role, functions & importance of retailer, evolution of retailing and leading retail marketers of India.
Chapter Three - talks about nature of retailing industry and tries to cover the issues like value added by retailers value chain for retail marketer, product mix and merchandise mix, product mix trends, technology, retail planning networking, selling ambience, regulatory environment.
Chapter Four - revolves around types of retailing. and includes stores & non stores retailers, direct selling, retailing through shopping malls,  retailing scenario at pune, trends in non-fuel retailing.
Chapter Five - covers different bar codes & its utility in supply chain & retailing.
Chapter Six - discusses retail store location, size & layout. Chapter Seven -  revolves around retailer promotion and covers the issues like marketing communication process for retailer consumer, the role of retailer promotion, methods for communicating with the customers, planning retail communication program & shelf management .
Chapter Eight - is about question bank. 

Book Details

Digital publication
May 2022

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