Digital publication

Managing Stress: Best Practices

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In the highly competitive and dynamic world of today, things like tension, stress, and burnout have become a common aspect of life. With the increasingly fast pace of life and work today, we are running a never-ending rat race against time, technology, and targets. The over-stimulated, over-programmed, accessible 24/7, multitasking modern society puts multifarious demands and pressures on our body-mind complex. 
This book contains feedbacks and experiences shared by the author's Clients and students explaining how they have benefited by the teachings of Dr. Anjali Ghanekar.

This book will help you to understand how one gets stress, what you can do to prevent it, and how you can live a life filled with greater health, vitality, and happiness. It introduces a judicious blend of a variety of “stress-busting” tools and techniques from the East and the West that show you how to de-stress and make stress work for you to run various aspects of your life smoothly. 
This book is
for anyone who is willing to try out and benefit from these “tried and tested” best practices for mastering stress. People suffering from increasing senses of anxiety, stress, frustration, and discontent due to the cascading effects of the current economic crisis, skyrocketing unemployment
problems, natural disasters, ongoing wars, or any personal challenges, etc. will gain the most from this book to restore inner harmony and balance.

Book Details

Digital publication
Apr 2022

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