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International Finance

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 This book is divided into 5 units. It deals with an Overview of international finance including globalization , financial integration and use of IT in international finance, International financial institutions , Forex Markets , Exchange rate Quotations, International financing decisions, Global Markets, International bond market and IFRS, etc. 
 The book is designed for MBA students and master level finance. It can also be used by senior level undergraduates majoring in finance. There are many textbooks about international finance in the market; however, most of them deal with the concepts at a very high level. There are very few texts that deal with these concepts at a more basic level, so that students can really appreciate and understand their relevance and more importantly, application, to international financial management. This text removes all the unnecessary and 'heavy' content from the study of international finance, while still maintaining high quality. An additional feature of the book is the lucidity with which the material has been presented. This text has been written to provide examples for every theory point that is discussed, to assist students to grasp concepts and be able to apply them to the real world. 

Book Details

Digital publication
May 2022

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