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Fundamentals of Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy for D.Pharm. Students

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A bestseller amongst D.Pharm Colleges, this book is as per 
ER 2020.
 Hospital and Clinical Pharmacy course is very vital in the curriculum of pharmacy. This subject imparts fundamental knowledge and professional skills required for facilitating various hospital and clinical pharmacy services to the health care professions. The course curriculum includes basic concept of hospital pharmacy, hospital pharmacy organization and basics of hospital pharmacy services like the procurement, supply chain, storage of medicines and medical supplies to run the hospital pharmacy unit. It also focuses the basics of clinical pharmacy including introduction to inclusive pharmaceutical care services and the basic understandings of common laboratory results used in clinical diagnosis towards optimizing the drug therapy. 
The whole book is divided into 12 chapters to meet the syllabus need strictly as per Pharmacy Council of India as per D. Pharm Course Education Regulation 2020. 
 In the first half of the book, special attention is given on the hospital pharmacy organization, committees associated with hospital pharmacy, supply chain inventory management in hospital pharmacy, drug distribution pattern in hospital pharmacy, compounding in hospital pharmacy, radiopharmaceuticals and documentation concerned with all above topics and application of computer in hospital pharmacy. In the later part of the book, special efforts are taken to explore the basics of clinical pharmacy, role and responsibilities of clinical pharmacist, concept of pharmaceutical care, interpretation of various clinical tests used in diagnosis and their role in understanding status of disease in individual, poison information center, pharmacovigilance, medication errors and drug interactions. 

Book Details

Digital publication
Jun 2022

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