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Capital Markets And Financial Services

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Everybody today wishes to know about stock markets. The Performance of the market in the last two years has ignited more interest in these markets. Lot of people today wish to invest money in these markets. It goes without saying that some fundamental knowledge about the products and procedures of these markets is essential to make the investments profitable. This book is an attempt to make the understanding of these markets as simple as possible for the students of this subject as well as, people who wish to participate in these markets. The other part of this book deals with Financial Services. There are great opportunities for‘employment in this sector. Students — therefore must know about these markets. Readers of this book must keep in mind the fact that these markets are very dynamic.
Table of Contents :
1) Introduction to Capital Markets
2) Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
3) Money Markets
4) Mutual Funds
5) Merchant Banking
6) Recent Developments
7) Stock Exchanges
8) Venture Capital
9) Credit Rating
10) Share Buy Back
11) Portfolio Management
12) Corporate Governance
13) Mergers and Takeover 
14) Plastic Money
15) Lease and Hire Purchase
16) Housing Finance
17) International Markets
18) Factoring and Forfaiting
19) Financial Engineering 

Book Details

Digital publication
Nov 2023

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