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A Textbook of Physical Pharmaceutics I

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As per PCI Syllabus Guidelines, this book is currently running it's 2nd edition. This book mainly covers the syllabus in the subject of Physical Pharmacy and Physical Pharmaceutics at the undergraduate level.  The present book is divided in to five units. The unique feature of this book is the presentation of fundamental concepts in a simple, lucid and self-explanatory form. Each unit includes learning objectives, general introduction to the topics covered, discussion on various concepts, basic fundamental principles / techniques /methods and their significance / applications in pharmacy with suitable illustrations. At the end of each unit a list of probable questions to be asked in semester examination is provided so as to help the student to evaluate themselves. The book contains unit wise MCQ's with Answers. Additionally, a list of references has been given at the end for additional studies.

Book Details

Digital publication
Mar 2022

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